
Spots & Rain Drops

Rainy days don't always have to be a drag! Take hold of the cold and bundle up in style. Grab a great scarf like mine and pair it with lots of fun, cozy layers. I rocked my rainy day fit with a flirty, black trench coat, a gray, frilly vest,  fun leg warmers to keep you all toasty and warm, and cute leopard rain boots to finish the look with a girly glam. Pair this easy look with fun accessories and a girly little umbrella and VWALLA! You now have yourself a look worth singing in the rain about :)

Where to wear this:
I personally wore this out and about to grab some quick hot chocolate and a scrumptious bagel while finishing the day browsing fun, vintage shops. Feel free to wear this on a casual, lazy day when you just feel like bundling up in the rainy weather while also looking simple yet fabulous. Don't let the rain keep you from strutting your stuff, use it to your advantage and work those rain boots all day long! 
kisses, Em

Scarf: Aldo. Rain Boots: TJ Maxx. Leg Warmers: Marshalls. Jeggings: Kissed Good Buy. Trench Coat: TJ Maxx. Vest: H&M. 


  1. I love love your rain boots! Super cute! I need to get myself a pair!

    1. thanks! :) yeah they are so comfortable and surprisingly warm!

  2. wonderful outfit! You look so pretty !!

    xx Marina


    1. thank you! :) i absolutely love your blog! such cute looks!

  3. omg. you are too cute. love everything about this look. Love your blog, hun. totally following. I hope you'll take a sec to check out mine. It's all about moving from a small town to taking on the LA fashion scene. xo


    1. aw thank you i will definitely check it out! :)

  4. How much were your leg warmers ?
